Woo Wai Fong 胡慧芳

Woo Wai Fong acting in the opera she loves most

Woo Wai Fong is the lead wen-wu sheng in Kong Chow Wui Koon opera troupe. She fell in love with Chinese opera when she was young partly due to her father's involvement in opera work. She performed on an ad hoc basis during her younger days. She got into the mainstream of opera performance when she joined Kong Chow Wui Koon opera troupe in 1975.

Over the years, of the many roles she played the most memorable was Lu You, a well-known poet in the Sung Dynasty, in the famous opera "A Broken Dream : 40 years of unfulfilled Love" (夢斷香銷四十年). In this opera she had to play the role from youth to old age.

Her wish is that more people will love and appreciate Chinese operas.

Her showcase performance in 2004

Woo Wai Fong with Chan Fook Hong